Tango in a Glass Elevator

As a writer and dancer, I’m drawn to beauty. The need is nearly as strong as the one for water, food, and breath. Beauty supports an ongoing flow of vitality and inspires future creations. It lights the spark in my eye. Which is why I had to dance tango with my...

What Poetry Means

  “What does your poetry mean?” asks another well-meaning reader. I stumble for a response, consider how much to say, how any answer misleads. Mine is a poetry of breath and pulse, of blood and bone in a spiral with presence. In return, I may ask, “What does your...

Dance for LIfe

Behold my first ever digital story, the result of a workshop on digital media I attended at University of Richmond. We were asked to write a 350 word narrative about an event that impacted our life. I chose to write about my scoliosis, a condition that affects me...

Cecilia Vicuna’s Spit Temple

Every writer I know looks forward to clutching the hallmark of her achievement. A rectangular paginated object is proof of years of a verbal mind at work, the book a harvest of a writer’s dedication. We value concrete objects. We trust what we can hold and weigh in...

Live Writing

When invited to read my poetry for the 40th anniversary and new location of Living Arts in Tulsa Oklahoma September 2009, I was in the country only a few weeks from a year working in S. Korea. The artistic director and a committee of artists of various disciplines...

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