Healing and wholeness
You deserve to feel your best physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. If circumstances have gotten in the way, you’ve come to the right place. I offer personalized in-person and distance sessions in energy medicine that blend Healing Touch, Reiki, and somatic intelligence to improve your well-being.
What are Healing Touch and Reiki?
Healing Touch and Reiki are energy therapies that use gentle hands-on and hands-off techniques that strengthen an individual’s body and biofield to promote well-being and radiance in body, mind, and spirit. Healing takes place when we open to our energy and welcome the fullness of our being. When energy flows, our emotional, intellectual, and physical self finds balance. From a place of balance and wholeness, we are able to access our vital, healthy, and expressive self. Blocked energy can manifest as being tired, depressed, or prone toward getting sick. If the energy is blocked for too long, a more debilitating illness can result. Healing Touch and Reiki lessens or removes such blocks and reinforces health, a positive attitude, and motivation.
What are the benefits?
- Reduce and eliminate pain, anxiety, and depression
- Alleviate symptoms and uproot the cause of debilitating short term and chronic illness
- Establish deep calm and centeredness
- Improve vitality and well-being
- Strengthen the immune system
- Prepare for surgery and accelerate recovery after surgery
- Redirect energy to support healthy choices and a balanced life
- Further the evolution of your development

What is included in a healing session?
Hour-long sessions involve setting an intention for your well-being and determining a treatment that fits your need. You lie clothed on a massage table and relax. Most individuals report a significant increase in their sense of peace and reduction in symptoms after one session. I’ve successfully treated a range of ailments such as migraines, depression, anxiety, surgery recovery, cancer, trauma related conditions, concussions, brain fog from long Covid, snake bites, and more. Tune-ups are also available for those in good health but want to enhance their mood, thinking, and overall vibration.
Do you do distance healing?
Yes. A touch-free session over the many miles is wondrously effective. A distance session involves us talking before and after the session. While I’m working, you rest or do light activity. Here’s a further explanation of the physics of it.
What is your background?
I received certification in Healing Touch from Healing Beyond Borders and in Reiki from Usai System of Natural Healing. I also draw upon decades of experience in meditation, dance, somatic training in Authentic Movement, yoga, Dream Body Work, Body-Mind Centering, and others as well as intuitive guidance.
Is there scientific evidence that this works?
Yes. More and more researchers are getting funding to investigate how it works. The Consciousness and Healing Initiative has collected several clinical documents here.
Do you offer workshops?
Periodically, yes. I offer a workshop series in Self Energy Healing. These workshops teach you easy techniques to do on your own to ground your energy, balance chakras, strengthen the immune system, and reinforce ease. Go here for more information.
Do you do healing intensives?
Yes. For select individuals and small groups. These are personally designed to best suit your needs. Contact me with your interest.
What are clients saying?
“Cheryl is a treasure. She exudes calm. I struggle with depression. Since receiving Healing Touch, my dark days are fewer and less dark.”
“I can’t say enough about my session. Relaxed? I didn’t know what degree of relaxation was possible. The chronic pain in my ankle from a fracture is entirely gone.”
“I came to Cheryl after cancer surgery, painful scarring, and concern about a relapse. I celebrated my 3rd cancer-free year yesterday. I also haven’t gotten the flu, a cold, or bronchitis like I used to.”
How much does a healing touch session cost?
The fee for a session is $85. A sliding scale fee is available.
Schedule a session
You deserve to feel your best. Contact me below to schedule a session at The Wellness Space, my Richmond, VA office.
Distance healing is also available. Let me know which you prefer.