Don’t miss my upcoming Writing From the Body workshop Sept 12 and HeartPath: A Couple’s Workshop Nov 21 in Richmond VA.
Oklahoma’s wonderful This Land Press is welcoming me with three recent publications:
“A Great Passage” deals with the death of my beloved cat, Java, and her spirit visiting me while I lived in Korea. Summer 2015.
“The Essence of Forever” looks at meeting the art of T.C. Cannon, a great Native American painter. Vol. 5, October 15, 2015
“Torment Relieved in Song” celebrates the centennial of poet John Berryman. Vol. 5, February 15, 2015
Here’s a piece on dance and writing published in the impressive Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices in England:
“Beyond Skin Boundaries in Contact Improvisation and Poetry,” Vol 6, No 2, 2015. Access this for free through a university that subscribes to the journal.
Many of you ask about “Tango in an Elevator.” Here’s the quick link.
Don’t miss out on my next writing workshop September 12!