Anagram Poetry

Playing Anagram with my Name or Manage A Mantra Implying Why all chant reply haply rant cell yell arch plant yell chart plan clap thrall yen clap rally then car hall plenty racy plant hell a plant hell cry a rap lynch tell cant rally help can thrall yelp can partly...

Every Hour, A Few Words

  photo: Biegart and Funk A Poetic Action  6:50                  this is not popcorn 7:57                  if morse code were used 8:59                  a perspective worth viewing 10:17                if only for a moment 10:49                longer by the end...

Writing at the Edge of Sleep

Before going to sleep, I sometimes make a request. Guide me to a new poem. Or, how do I transition to the next paragraph that evaded me all day? The request is Step One – fairly easy. Step Two is easier yet. Pull up the blanket. Fall asleep and snooze away. Release...

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