Foremothers and Sisters: Suggested Reading

At this year’s Los Angeles AWP (Association of Writers and Writing Programs), Jeanetta Calhoun Mish, Leslie Samuels Entsminger, Jan Freeman, Renee Olander, and myself participated in a panel called Literary Foremothers and Filling the Gaps. We wanted to honor...

On Second Thought

Imagine, if you will, that you are falling from an airplane, mind you, without a parachute. You last remembered reading the in-flight magazine, then the airplane shuddering more violently that normal. Nervous about the less than smooth ride, for reassurance you turn...

Opportunity: Workshop & Recent Publications

Don’t miss my upcoming Writing From the Body workshop Sept 12 and HeartPath: A Couple’s Workshop Nov 21 in Richmond VA. Oklahoma’s wonderful This Land Press is welcoming me with three recent publications: “A Great Passage” deals with the death of my...

Opportunities to Write and Move!

I’m headed to the Midwest in a few weeks to teach Writing From the Body and Contact Improvisation and to read from my works. Join me in Minneapolis MN and Viroqua WI! Poetry Reading April 9 at 514 Studios, Minneapolis MN Contact Improvisation Workshop April 13...

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